concurrence of willsの例文
- In contract law, a just balance of interests results from a concurrence of wills among the contracting parties.
- "The court has put the evidentiary burden on us to prove that there has been a concurrence of wills, but if one party just simply doesn't react, that's a very difficult task to do, " he said . ( pfg-cb)
- In France, an ordinary contract is said to form simply on the basis of a " meeting of the minds " or a " concurrence of wills " . abstraction principle'( " Abstraktionsprinzip " ) means that the personal obligation of contract forms separately from the title of property being conferred.
- On the contrary, in paragraph 69 of the judgment under appeal, the Court of First Instance set out from the principle that the concept of an agreement within the meaning of Article 85 ( 1 ) of the Treaty centres around the existence of a concurrence of wills between at least two parties, the form in which it is manifested being unimportant so long as it constitutes the faithful expression of the parties'intention.